Brighten Your Home Through Backsplash Design

Beautify Your Home with a BacksplashIt’s the little things that turn your house into your home.

The color of your walls, the hardware on your cabinetry, and your choice of flooring all create a sense of belonging inside the space you call your home.

A backsplash is another area where you can express yourself, in design, color, texture, and style.

The use of tiny ceramic, mosaic or glass tile in the backsplash areas of your home can create excitement and beauty. With every color of the rainbow at your disposal and a huge variety of patterns and shapes, this is one area of your home that can be completely you. From clear glass tile to elegant slate or brightly colored ceramics, you’ll find that while stunning to see, a tiled backsplash can also be very easy-to-clean, as well.

Using patterns, color and your limitless imagination, you can design a one-of-a-kind creation that can both brighten and add value to your home. Often used in kitchens and bathrooms to protect wall surfaces from splashing water, your backsplash can pull together accents in your room or create drama when contrasting materials or shades are used. Correctly placed spot lights can add to your overall impact, as well.  The internet is filled with ideas on creating unique backsplashes – where will you find your inspiration?


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